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mindful words

Zoe, Life Coach

Penny, Nurse

Alexandra, Life & Nutrition Coach

Émilie has literally been a lifesaver to me.  I had tried many other routes to deal with stress and no one has been able to help me cope with the challenges of a physician job better than her. She is so incredibly intuitive and can immediately understand your concerns and worries, and had the right words, insight and techniques to manage them.  Whether it's in-person reiki, to a virtual meditation session, I have found her help to be invaluable and something I would now consider to be an essential part of my life.  She provides lots of support and tools for managing life in between sessions also, so her guiding light is always there. I have and would highly recommend her to anyone, particularly in these difficult times when our own coping strategies are perhaps stretched or struggling. You will never regret reaching out to Émilie.

L. R. - Surgeon, Toronto


Emilie is an incredible light worker - I’ve had had the privilege of experiencing several incredibly powerful reiki sessions with Emilie that uncovered trauma I didn’t know was living inside of me. Her caring and compassionate nature is so sacred and special, and provides a safe space to process and heal. I am forever grateful for Emilie's energy and her contribution to my personal healing journey.

Leah - Attorney, NYC

My session with Emilie was nothing short of transformative. I went in with an acute ailment of my skin. But Emilie gently helped to remind me that my body was reflecting my emotional state. The magic of her energy reminded my spirit of some of it’s inherent knowledge. I can tell you about seeing colours or physically feeling heat from her hands during our reiki session - both true. But the real magic was how I felt afterwards. Like my soul had been reminded of its path. Like my faith had been replenished. Not surprisingly, afterwards my skin healed up as well. Thank you for this gift Emilie. It’s a reminder I will carry with me throughout my life. You have my deepest gratitude. Every word written is truth. I am filled with love and gratitude for you. Thank you!


My dear Emilie, You are my inspiration. Your knowledge and your integrity speak volumes, it is felt as soon we are in your presence.
You are a safe and pure vessel to talk to. I was deeply wounded by trauma, and after years of therapy and many experts, I found the energetic release needed with you. Your gifts to this world are undeniable. The world needs you, my angel.
Love &Light


I was encouraged to connect with Emilie when I was moving through burn out as a medical educator/leader.  I was trained to be skeptical, cynical and suspicious of anything not considered medically “evidence-based”.   Emilie is highly skilled, intuitive and has become an integral part of my personal recovery program.  I’m developing the awareness and skills necessary to reground, realign and re-energize in a crazy, stressful world.  Life changing. ​

D. K. M. - PhD, Toronto 

Emilie has been a part of my journey as my spiritual coach, Reiki teacher, mentor and friend. Emilie has an instant calming effect when she speaks, her voice is very angelic. I have learned a great deal from her throughout these years that has absolutely changed my life. She taught me how to meditate and how to love myself without judgment using mirror work and affirmations. She is my Reiki teacher and continues to be my mentor. She has taught me to do my inner work and become the best version of myself. It has been the most inspiring experience. I am forever grateful to have her in my life!


My deep work with Emilie was transformational.  Her work is experiential and every session and encounter revealed something to me that needed to be seen, understood and healed. We developed a deep and cosmic connection.   Emilie's presence is healing.  Her heart is so wide open and full of love. She cares and you can feel this. The work with Emilie continues after your "scheduled' session.  This is how powerful my experiences have been. It is difficult for me to find words to describe the true power of each experience.  Emilie is deeply connected and compassionate, she is a gifted healer and an  intuitive woman.  She holds space for you to recognize the healer within. This is her gift. I am grateful to have Emilie in my life as a teacher.  She humbly leads us through growth and expansion with grace. I love you Emilie.  

Shauna Ireland

The intentionality and dedication that Émilie brings to her practice allows for the creation of a safe, meaningful, and personalized experience, in each and every session. Émilie’s Reiki services have been a significant tool added to my self-development toolbox. The work Émilie’s done with me has served as a roadmap to a large part of my healing journey, calling attention to the mind-body-spirit connection, and the layers of trauma that need unpacking and processing within me. Truly, Émilie’s work has been integral in my ability to realize, accept, and confidently express my most whole, authentic self.  Thank you, Émilie!

Christine A.


Throughout the last few years, I have been hearing about Reiki from friends and social media platforms.  I never gave it any attention mostly because I was skeptical and very guarded.  The thought of allowing someone into my world wasn’t something I was comfortable with.   Since then I have been working on self-development and have started learning the importance of intuition. After listening to a youtube video referencing Emilie, something inside of me woke up and I suddenly had the desire to contact Emilie that very moment, and I did without any hesitation. I questioned distant healing at first, however, Emilie's sincere willingness to provide a comfortable, trusting, safe connection with me, was enough for me to allow for my healing journey to begin.  Distant healing with Emilie has been such an amazing experience. Her passion to help others strongly reflects in the way she speaks understands, and the results she provides. I am a true believer that there is a reason for everything.  The universe delivered the most compassionate, understanding, caring, and loving Reiki practitioner into my life and I am so grateful.  Emilie’s kindness and desire to help her clients are genuine and can be felt deeply.  She has endless strengths, but her ability to make a skeptic like me into a believer is truly a gift. Emilie is an angel, her energy is filled with light and loves if you just open your heart, the experiences you will encounter will be priceless. 

Ruma -New York 


Emilie's presence is humble, wise and so grounded. I've had three sessions with Emilie so far and she truly blows my mind with her gifts and the power of her work. I am already experiencing profound shifts in my life. If you are committed to living a fulfilled life,  if you are looking to connect more deeply with yourself, then I highly recommend Emilie as a professional. 

John A.


Emilie is a highly practiced Reiki Master with deep knowledge of Reiki and energy healing.  Her passion and commitment are evident when teaching and practicing. I feel her intentions every time I am with her. I feel trust and sensitivity in her presence.  Emilie, you are the best teacher!!!! 

Marisa G.

I highly recommend Emilie not only for her Reiki sessions, and enlightening Reiki classes but also for her intuitive one-on-one sessions. Emilie encourages you to use your own intuition and is very respectful and nonjudgmental, she creates a safe place. Her room is truly magical. I cannot recommend Emilie enough!!!!!! Thank you so much for your guidance Emilie 

Sophie L.

I was fortunate enough to find Emilie at the perfect time in my life and work with her for several sessions. I was experiencing a lot of personal stress with family illnesses, personal growth work, change, and relationship challenges. I immediately gravitated towards Emilie, as she felt authentic, calming, connected to a greater truth, accepting, radiant, like a healing presence, and like home. She was able to suggest exercises and ask powerful questions which reminded me what my core essence is and not to compromise that for anyone. She helped me determine and reinforce boundaries in how I respond and what I will accept from others. She also helped me to instill new habits to reach a healthier state. I look forward to continuing to work with Emilie and exploring other areas of her expertise!

Jackie- California

Emilie is an angel that walks amongst us a bright light to help guide you on your life’s journey. From the moment you meet Emilie, you can feel her love and kindness radiate to your very core.  It is difficult to explain…one of those things you must experience. She asks only that you are open to the experience and believe that you are your strongest source of healing.  Emilie has been helping me through a change in my life’s  journey…an autoimmune disease diagnosis has meant for me an “awakening” to a change in focus. Emilie has been the guide in my refocus.  Every Reiki sessions is a different experience; alleviating either physical or emotional ailments.  Emilie’s hands are magic…shifting your body’s energy where it is needed…you can feel the heat, the tingling…it is something that you need to experience. Emilie has also introduced me to meditation.  She is a fantastic teacher…so devoted to each of her clients.  She has prepared some guided meditation recordings for me to get me started.  These have been invaluable.  The amount of time that she devotes to each of her client’s personal needs is immense. A transformation happens in Emilie’s presence…I always tell her that I walk into her sessions feeling weighed down and leave feeling “lighter”, happier and refreshed. Love and light my dearest Emilie.

Alice Ponciano

Dear Emilie, I am so grateful for you and for being led to have these sessions with you. I have been thinking of how to clarify for myself the benefits I have experienced and write a testimony of your guidance. My first sessions with Emilie were in June and July 2019 in the aftermath of emergency surgery. I had 13 days of misery and complications in the hospital despite the great care I received. A few days after being at home I started distance Reiki with Emilie.  Once I began three sessions over a period of four weeks I experienced remarkable recovery. Friends who had more minor surgeries in their past, were amazed with the health, wellness and mobility I was showing in such a short time after. I was amazed and grateful myself. I want to emphasize the differing experience after my second surgery in early February 2020. This surgery was to reverse and repair what had to be done in the first.  I was given a week’s notice for the surgery and arranged with Emilie to have three Reiki sessions again, the first session being the day before. Despite the complications of the surgery I was able to walk with my medication and IV pole on my own, able to take care of myself the same evening.  I had similar problems arise with resuming eating but far from the June experience. When I came home I did not have to use a walker or a cane at all. I did not have to take weeks before trying anything but soft food. It did not takes weeks before walking around the block. The healing after the two surgeries has been remarkable and wonderful. Everyone will have their own individual response to sessions, but they will all be beautiful, difficult to describe. I am filled with gratitude for the love and connection I felt and for the knowing and healing I received. This is such a blessing and I hope to be diligent in the follow-up practices Emilie recommended. With love and gratitude, thank you Emilie,

Ada Hunsberger

Emilie is my earth angel. She is a very kind and caring person. She is a healer guided with pure intentions ,she carries so much love in her heart.  I discovered Emilie’s energy healing two years ago  and she had helped me immensely. Thank you Emilie

S. J.

Working with Émilie is certainly not  temporary. It is a commitment to yourself to become the better version of yourself! I highly recommend her guidance because she not only helps with the clarity you need at a point in time of your journey but helps with implementing  new practices into your life to move forward with many tools to use .  I love you Émilie.



My first Reiki experience was a comforting, long-distance session with the deeply empathic, Émilie Macas. Although we were across many miles, in different countries, it was Émilie’s experience that brought an intuitive energy reading which felt very real and profoundly helpful to me. Trust her and you’ll be enlightened!

Tova Kronick


Working with modalities such as energy can often be difficult to articulate. So much more happened in my treatment with Emilie that goes beyond the ability to put in words. You simply have to experience it. But what I can put in to words is Emilie, and to sum her up would be to say she is an extremely gifted healer. A genuine, beautiful person who is kind, patient and takes the time to communicate and understand her clients and more importantly connect with them -- creating a safe place for them to learn, heal and grow. I am grateful to have crossed paths with Emilie and would highly recommend her to someone who is in need of healing or help on their personal journey or for those simply looking for an excellent Reiki Practitioner.

Andrea Ashley

Thank you for facilitating a safe, supportive and relaxed learning environment. I loved the course. You shared valuable information about the body mind connection, the importance of positive influences in our life and of course the practice of PSM. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to connect with the stillness within in order to achieve clarity of mind. Practicing PSM has made a world of difference in my life. I meditate twice a day and look forward to sit quietly to hear what my heart to say!

Anna Abramian

Over the years I have tried various types of meditation techniques, always with less than happy results. I found it frustrating and thought it was unachievable for me. Happily, I had the opportunity to try again with Emilie and, in her class I found a peaceful connection with meditation. Emilie was a supportive, reassuring and generous guide throughout, and I was eased into a routine of daily meditation. I find I am better able to focus and am generally more relaxed as a result. It has been a wonderful addition to my daily routine. I'm very grateful.



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